Brazil's President Test Positive For COVID-19

Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro has tested positive for coronavirus.

He took the test, his fourth, on Monday after developing symptoms, including a high temperature.

Mr Bolsonaro has repeatedly played down the risks posed by the virus, calling it "a little flu" and saying that he would not be seriously affected by it.

He has also urged regional governors to ease lockdowns, which he says hurt the economy, and on Monday he watered down regulations on wearing face masks.

Back in April, he said that even if he were to be infected with the virus, he would "not have to worry as I wouldn't feel anything, at most it would be like a little flue or a little cold".

When he made the remark, the number of Covid-19-related deaths was still under 3,000 and the number of infections was around 40,000.