COVID-19 Vaccines Won't Cause Erectile Dysfunction - Dr. Okoe Boye Debunks

Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, former Deputy Minister of Health, has dismissed claims of COVID-19 vaccines causing erectile dysfunction in men.

The rumor stem from unsubstantiated reports of some people who received the vaccines abroad having side effects which have rendered the men impotent or reduced their ability to have sex with their partners.

Erectile dysfunction isn't the only speculation about the vaccine but also people believe the vaccines are means to depopulate Africa.

In Ghana, some people are already living in fear of the vaccines due to these rumors.

Reacting on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo', Dr. Okoe Boye says there is no cause of alarm over the efficacy of the vaccines.

According to him, the rumors are absolute falsehood.

"People have received the vaccine and their wives are pregnant. So, it is not true that you can have erectile dysfunction," he emphasized.