Ashton Henry On The Importance of Delegating Your Free Time For Big Picture Innovations

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many small businesses and entrepreneurs to lose money, putting their livelihoods in jeopardy. However, it is possible to have a successful business even during this time.

Aston Henry is an entrepreneur in the credit and financial field, and he is here to provide fellow entrepreneurs with five tips to weather this storm.

Delegate tasks

If you’ve put off hiring employees or freelancers, now is the time to pull the trigger. “You only have so many hours each day,” says Henry. “You’re the boss. Your time shouldn’t be taken up by small issues. Delegate these to free up time for big picture innovations.” If you can’t afford to do this right now, batch your tasks together to make it easier to save time.

Keep a routine

Since we’re all working from home, it’s easier to sleep in or sign off from that Zoom meeting early. However, keeping a routine during this time can make all the difference. “You need to prime your body and mind so you know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to relax. Work hard and don’t slack off.”

Spread hope to your employees and freelancers

While this is a difficult time for entrepreneurs, it can be an even harder time for your employees or freelancers. You can help this issue by remaining optimistic about the pandemic. “Let them see behind the curtain, especially if you’re in a good position. People shouldn’t have to be constantly worried about losing their jobs.”

Go virtual

While most in-person meetings and conferences have been cancelled, you should consider bringing these opportunities online. “It’s much easier for most people to attend a virtual meeting. Don’t feel like you have to waste time during this pandemic. Think of how you can be innovating in the digital space,” says Henry. If you sell physical items but don’t have an online storefront yet, that needs to be your number one priority. “Make your products accessible from home.”

Try something new

The pandemic has changed everything, so now is as good of a time as ever to shake things up. “Nothing is the same, so feel free to think outside the box. If you have an idea that you think would speak to people during this time, go for it.” 

While the pandemic has been an excruciating time for many small business owners, Ashton Henry thinks there’s hope on the horizon for your financial future, if you’re willing to put in the work.