Sex Et Al : 24-Yr-Old Woman Stabs Mother Over 'Spiritual Marriage'

A 24-year-old woman has been remanded into police custody by the Adentan Circuit Court for stabbing her mother whom she claimed was spiritually married to her.

According to the prosecution, on October 27, a misunderstanding ensued between the victim and the accused out of which the accused alleged that the victim has married her spiritually and was having sex with her.

The accused is said to have stabbed her 46-year-old single mother in the hand, neck, and back several times.

She was arrested and sent to the Abokobi Police Station, where she was handed over to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU), while investigations were ongoing.

She has been charged with causing unlawful harm and has had her plea reserved by the court.

The case has been adjourned to November 16, 2021.