Teeth Veneers Cost

Teeth Veneers cost is a drawback that prevents people from getting a smile makeover. It is essential to know that veneer material, number of veneers units, and dentists' expertise affect the price of the veneers. Fortunately, teeth veneers cost in Turkey is significantly cheaper, and you are also assured of quality dental care.

Veneers are thin shells, dentists at Dentakay dental clinic customize to suit your natural teeth. Because dentists bond them to your teeth, they transform your look automatically. This article discusses the types of veneers you can get in Turkey and the procedure. Visit dentakay.

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Types of Veneers

Veneers are from different materials, including porcelain, composite, and zirconium. The teeth veneers' costs for these materials vary. Their results and durability also vary. This section discusses each type of veneer in detail.

1 - Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are natural-looking veneers from porcelain material. Their material gives your teeth a semi-translucent look, giving you a flawless and natural look. Because of the results porcelain veneers achieve, they are more expensive than other types of veneers.

It would be best if you considered porcelain veneers, including their natural results and minimally invasive procedure. Also, they are durable, lasting up to 15 years with proper care.

Teeth veneers cost for porcelain veneers ranges between $150 and $330 in Turkey. This price range is influenced by a dentist's expertise, dental clinic's prominence, and the number of veneers units you're getting

2 - Zirconium Veneers

Zirconium veneers are from a bio-inert material that is exceptionally safe for people with allergies. Placing these veneers does not require a lot of teeth shaving. Furthermore, this veneer material is also durable and aesthetic, like porcelain veneers. Your zirconium veneers can last between 10 and 20 years with proper maintenance.

Teeth veneers cost for zirconium veneers is between $200 and $220 across dental clinics in Turkey.

3 - Composite Veneers

Although not as durable, composite veneers are a cheaper alternative to porcelain veneers. These veneers cover your teeth imperfections, and dentists place them in just a single visit. Nevertheless, composite veneers are prone to chips and can only last between 5 and 7 years. However, dentists can easily replace and repair composite veneers, unlike porcelain veneers.

Teeth veneers cost of composite veneers in Turkey is between $110 and $190 for each veneer unit.

Which Veneer Is Best for You?

All veneer types are safe, especially when you get them in Turkey. However, the best kind of veneers for you depends on your needs, the results you want to achieve, and your budget.

Before getting your veneers, your dentist will examine your teeth to see if you qualify. Afterward, the dentist will discuss the best option that most suits your needs.

Pros Of Getting Veneers in Turkey

Getting Veneers in Turkey is a positive step in correcting dental flaws. Veneers cover tooth gaps, chipped or cracked teeth, and discolored teeth. They are also suitable for restoring unevenly sized teeth and minor crooked teeth. Because the cost of veneers seems overwhelming, you may wonder if they are worth the price.

Veneers in Turkey provide several benefits, including giving you a natural appearance. You also get to choose the color that suits you, which could be a vivid white or a pearly white. Furthermore, compared to braces and other dental restorations, dental veneers are time-efficient; you can transform your smile within a few days.

Another benefit of dental veneers is that they are durable and stain-resistant as long as you maintain consistency and good oral hygiene. Fortunately, keeping veneers doesn't take much; you only need to follow healthy oral habits, including regular brushing and flossing and visiting the dentist for routine checkups.

Even if you don't have major dental flaws, you can still get dental veneers as a permanent solution in enhancing your appearance. Veneers also shield your tooth enamel, preventing damage and making them suitable for people with enamel loss.

Furthermore, teeth veneers cost in Turkey is a fraction of the cost in the USA and UK. Also, you get to enjoy the best medical services in Europe. Because Turkey is known for its beautiful scenery, you can take a vacation and tour the city while getting your veneers.

The Veneer Placement Procedure

After choosing a clinic for your veneers in Turkey, arriving for your appointment is the first step towards getting your veneers.

During your appointment, your dentist will shave your teeth by removing some part of your tooth enamel, making room for your veneer teeth. The thickness of the removed enamel is usually the same as the veneer thickness.

After shaving your teeth, your dentist will take your teeth impression. The impression is used to create your veneers, ensuring a proper fit. Once the veneers are molded and ready, you'll visit the dental clinic for another appointment to fix the veneers. Fortunately, some dental clinics have recently used CEREC technology, helping the dentist mold the veneers in the same visit.

During your next appointment, your dentist will fix the veneers to check their shape and color, ensuring they suit you. Once you're satisfied with the veneers, your dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly to prevent decay below the surface of your veneers after securing them.

Your dentist bonds them with a dental cement and hardens them with UV light to secure your veneers. Your teeth sensitivity may heighten after the procedure, especially when you take hot or cold foods and beverages. The sensitivity should wear out over the next few days, leaving you with a beautiful smile.


The veneer placement procedure is a painless and minimally invasive one. You can research several dental clinics in Turkey, choosing one that suits you to get your veneers. Although teeth veneers' costs vary across Turkey, they are still significantly cheaper across Europe.

After getting your veneers, it is best to maintain them, ensuring their longevity.

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