NAFAG Pushes For Blue Authority

The National Fisheries Association of Ghana (NAFAG) has started lobbying for the establishment of a Blue Economy Authority.

When set up, the Blue Economy Authority is expected to act as the regulator of all entities carrying out economic activities in the country’s water bodies.

The group tabled the suggestion when they paid a courtesy call of President Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House Monday evening.

NAFAG Acting Secretary, Richster Nii Armah Amarfio said the industry is currently regulated by multiple ministries and agencies even though their mother Ministry is the Ministry of Fisheries.

That, he said was because, “the vessels [used for fishing in Ghana] are the responsibility of the Ministry of Transport and the Ghana Maritime Authority and the Ministry [Fisheries Ministry] is responsible for their licensing but all the processes leading to the issuance of licenses are regulated by different agencies.”

It is for this reason, he said “I will suggest that we probably look at a Blue Economy Authority because the Blue Economy is becoming an emerging issue and those of us in the fishing industry are getting worried especially with the in-flacks of oil and gas activities.

“Our fear is that if we do not manage the Blue Economy as a common entity, we are likely to have a situation of conflict over space and usage” Amarfio noted with a genuine concern.

President Akufo-Addo welcomed the suggestion and asked the group to engage the sector Minister to see the way forward.

“It is an important discussion and I think we should get on with it because at the end of the day, if your suggestion is the one that makes sense, the Ministry will be the one that will have the ultimate responsibility” he admitted.

“Engage the Ministry of Fisheries now and put the plans that you think makes sense before them and let’s develop the discussion” President Akufo-Addo suggested to the association.