Nii Noi Nortey Foundation Pay Medical Bills For Nursing Mothers At Ridge Hospital 

As part of the Parliamentary candidate hopeful for Klottey Korley Constituency Nii Noi Nortey’s birthday celebration, the Health committee of his Foundation has visited Ridge Hospital and paid medical bills for some nursing mothers.

The Nii Noi Nortey  Foundation, after settling for all the bills which helped to discharge the affected persons from the hospital, also gave them undisclosed amounts of money to enable them buy a few important things for their babies.

The team also met with the Director of Nursing, Dr. Emmanuel K. Srofenyoh and a team from Social Welfare to assess some of the issues facing patients.

Speaking after the ceremony, Nii Noi Nortey said; “Through various assessments by the health committee of Nii Noi Nortey Foundation, we discovered that there were 5 patients from the maternity ward who have been discharged weeks now but are still at the hospital because they couldn’t afford to pay their bills…Just after that, it came to our notice that an abandoned newborn needed a second surgery; the staff of the hospital have been contributing towards that so we paid the remaining amount to enable the baby to undergo the surgery.”

Nii Noi Nortey appreciated the Health Director, nurses and the Social Welfare team for their efforts in facilitating the process.

The nursing mothers commended the management of the Nii Noi Nortey foundation for their enormous support getting them out of the hospital.

The Medical Director of Ridge Hospital, Dr. Emmanuel K. Srofenyoh also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Nii Noi Nortey for his kind gesture and appealed to the corporate institutions and philanthropists to imitate their exemplary gesture.