Yvonne Nelson And Sarkodie Still Love Each Other - Logic

Artiste manager Logic believes actress Yvonne Nelson and rapper Sarkodie still love each other.

Speaking on United Showbiz programme on UTV, Logic explained since the two are still hurt by each other's comments or actions, they still have feelings for each other.

“Judging from her tweets, I can tell you that Yvonne still loves Sarkodie. When a woman is in love and she's hurt, her response will tell you that she still has feelings for you. Yvonne still loves Sark.  I am telling you Sark also has some thoughts for Yvonne. Sark also responded with pain and Yvonne tweeted with pain and anytime pain is involved, there's love there...look at how she called Sarkodie in her tweet, 'Micheal' and Sark also called her 'baby girl'

Why would Sark refuse to go to her house; he knows that if they meet in the same room something can happen; so he avoided it. Sark knows he has a weakness for Yvonne...so he was avoiding such a situation. I am telling you for a fact that these two are still talking behind the scene".