Court Cases: 'Reckless' Godfred Dame Can Do His Worse - Minority Responds to Attorney-General


1. The Minority Caucus in Parliament has become aware of a press release issued by the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice dated 4th July, 2023, in which the Attorney-General pretends to take umbrage at public commentary on the ongoing persecution of some members of the Minority and other prominent members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

2. Typical of, and consistent with, his usual self-conceited ways, we note the calculated and deliberate veiled attempts by the Attorney-General to stifle free speech by pretending to redefine the boundaries of what constitutes prejudicial commentary by members of the Ghanaian public on the seemingly unending trend of persecution of the government’s perceived political opponents.

3. The Minority takes note of the reckless and embarrassing conduct of the Attorney-General who takes pride in not only abusing his prosecutorial powers but also weaponises his office against his government’s perceived political opponents.

4. How is the Attorney-General able to look the good people of Ghana in the face and point out that “much of the recent commentary on many of the so-called high profile criminal cases transgresses permissible limits of free speech, unduly interferes with the work of State Prosecutors performing their constitutional function of prosecuting crime in Ghana and tends to put unnecessary pressure on the courts”, when he wilfully and conveniently forgets that the number one culprit is the President?

5. We have not forgotten President Akufo-Addo’s campaign message in the recent Assin North by-election where he told electorates not to vote for Hon. James Gyakye Quayson because he was jail-bound, despite his case pending before the Court. That reckless pronouncement by the President is not only prejudicial but also constitutes a threat to fair trial and the administration of justice, and undermines the entire judicial system in Ghana.

6. The very conduct and utterances of the Attorney-General himself when he described the ruling of a High Court to restart trial in the matter of Republic vs Dr. Stephen Opuni and 2 Others as “backward and improper”, did not escape our attention nor the public lenses. The Attorney-General arrogates to himself the power to approbate and reprobate in ongoing court cases depending on whether it suits or not his reckless agenda of either ‘his way or the highway’. We wish to remind him that many before him who even graced that office with honour and dignity, bowed out when the time came. The trappings of overbearance of political office may just be tricking him. Let him be reminded that he will not be an Attorney-General for life.

7. The Minority in Parliament is not oblivious of the apparent disposition of the Attorney-General as a pliant tool in the hands of a desperate and oppressive government bent on tilting the balance of power in Parliament in its favour against the expressed will of the Ghanaian people. We wish to serve notice however that our resilience cannot be broken, neither are we deterred by deliberate harassment and persecution laced with rabid political fanaticism by the Attorney-General to please this failed administration.

8. This Attorney-General can do his worse and continue with his persecution, but that will not break the resolve of the Minority to keep holding the feet of the government to the fire of accountability.

9. The Attorney-General does not possess such overreaching powers to impose fetters on free expression as he seeks to arrogate to himself. We wish to remind him that justice emanates from the people of Ghana and is administered for and on their behalf. Therefore, while it may displease him, the Ghanaian people cannot be stifled from having their say.