Nigerian Medics Issue Ultimatum Over Salary

Nigerian doctors working in public hospitals have given the government a two-week ultimatum to fulfil all agreements made with them over salary and other issues.

The previous government had promised to resolve the matters after a five-day warning strike in May but nothing was done before President Muhammadu Buhari left office at the end of that month.

In a statement, the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (Nard) said that two weeks' notice was enough time for authorities to address the problems.

This comes a month after the doctors said they would give the new government time to look into it.

Their demands include a 200% salary rise, payment of outstanding arrears, payment of the 2023 Medical Residency Training Fund and adequate replacement of clinical staff to cushion the effect of staff shortages.

The association has warned that if all its demands were not met by 19 July, it "cannot guarantee industrial harmony in the health sector" across the country.

Poor funding, inadequate facilities and low remuneration of health workers have led to many health professionals seeking opportunities abroad.