Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif Blasts 'Bonus Motivated' Players After Poor Tournament Performance

Ghana's Minister of Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif has slammed national team players for being 'selfish' when they travel for international competitions. 

According to Honourable Mustapha Ussif, the players rather focus on bonuses than representing the country during tournaments.

This comes after the Black Meteors' early exit from the Africa U23 Cup of Nations in Morocco.

Reports from Morocco indicated the players were agitating over unpaid bonuses before the final group match against Guinea.

“I find it very difficult to comprehend and understand that the state will make all the resources available by making sure that we want to give opportunity to all our national teams, get them flight tickets for camping opportunities, accommodate them for a very long period, feed them, give them trial matches, then when these players get to tournament, instead of focusing on the tournament, the focus is now on bonuses," he said during the 29th Ordinary Congress in Kumasi.

“Is time for our players to value the national colors, the flag of our country, the flag of our nation.”