Reports Of Modern Slavery Double In UK Care Sector

The number of modern slavery cases reported within the UK care industry has more than doubled in the past year.

There were 109 potential victims, exploited for personal or financial gain, between January and March - twice as many as the same period in 2022.

BBC File on 4 obtained the figures from the government-approved anti-slavery helpline, run by charity Unseen.
Investigators trying to protect workers from being exploited say the care industry is now a "top priority".

The Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) - whose role is to protect workers from labour exploitation across the UK - told us it had more than 300 ongoing care sector investigations.

Unseen says the rise in calls about the care sector in the past 12 months is because the government has made it easier for overseas social care staff to work in the UK post-Brexit - and fill thousands of job vacancies.

As the supply chain gets bigger, there's more chance for exploitation - says the charity.