Finance Minister To Hold Intensive Meeting With MPs Ahead Of Mid-Year Review

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta, will engage in an intensive meeting with Members of Parliament on Friday.

This meeting comes as a prelude to the upcoming mid-year review and the possible presentation of a supplementary budget, scheduled for Monday.

Speaker Alban Bagbin revealed the purpose of the meeting before the house , stating, "On Friday, the Minister of Finance will be available to hold an intensive meeting with Members of Parliament. This is an agreement entered into between leadership and the Ministry of Finance as a prelude to the presentation of the mid-year review and possibly a supplementary budget on Monday."

The intensive meeting with MPs is expected to provide a platform for in-depth discussions and consultations on the upcoming mid-year review and any proposed supplementary budget.

Meanwhile, parliament has confirmed a new date for Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta to present the highly anticipated 2023 Mid-Year Budget Review.

Initially scheduled for July 25, 2023, the presentation had to be rescheduled and is now set to take place on Monday, July 31, 2023.

Asaase Radio reports that the Mid-Year Budget Review, mandated by Article 179 of the 1992 Constitution and the Public Financial Management Act 921, provides an opportunity to revise macroeconomic targets and present a comprehensive economic outlook for the remainder of the fiscal year.

This will be the first major financial statement of the government since Ghana secured a substantial $3 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) extended credit facility.

During the session, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta is expected to update Parliament on the steps taken by the government to stabilize the economy following the IMF deal.