There Is Going To Be A Massive Political Change Globally – Prophet Predicts

The founder and leader of the Hopepress Chapel International, Prophet George Clottey, has caused a stir online after political statements he made during his highly patronized prayer program dubbed, BREAK THE LUNCH which he hosts live on Facebook and YouTube every day of the week between 1pm and 2pm.

According to Prophet George Clottey, there is going to be a massive political change globally, where lots of young people will be given the opportunity to enter into and flourish in politics.

He also added that, Ghana needs to pray because a man that God hasn’t chosen will force himself into the presidential seat by shooting down the chosen one.

In his words, he said, ‘I see the seat of Ghana vacant and I saw 7 spirits of the Lord with 12 angels who have travelled and entered a place to bring a man that has been hidden for a long time to fill the seat that was formerly vacant.’

 ‘Nonetheless, we need to pray because I saw that the chosen one has been shot down and another took over. I saw the flag of NDC waving in victory because they thought they had won, only for it to be shot down by the candidate of the NPP. The results will be contended in court but it will not stand’, he added.

According to him, the church in Ghana needs to pray because there is going to be some terrible times during the upcoming 2024 general elections especially tensions between the two main parties, NDC and the NPP.

Prophet George over the years is known for his very controversial yet accurate prophesies especially in the political arena.