An Open Letter To Hon. Frank Annoh Dompreh........

To Swallow His Pride, Focus On Campaign Without Vilification And Personal Attacks To Other Candidates

The campaign to lead the New Patriotic Party (NPP) into the next general elections is on with all the blazing fire as aspirants criss-cross the country to sell their messages to their potential delegates.

The campaign has not been without the usual drama and controversies as it has generated fire and fury in some instances.

Despite the heat the campaign trail seems to be generating, the key actors leading their respective troops of campaign worriors are not oblivious of the need to maintain party cohesion after the internal primaries..

For many watchers, the campaign thus far could be described as the good, the bad and the ugly. By and large all the ten aspirants have conducted themselves well, however, same cannot be said about the various spokespersons for the aspirants.

While some of the spokespersons have conducted themselves well, others have made it a deliberate scheme to vilify and personally attack their opponents on every platform they get the opportunity to speak on.

It is imperative to note the majority chief whip, Honourable Annor Dompreh who hàs been on the campaign trail with the Vice President, Alhaji Dr Mahammudu Bawumia has developed the penchant for muddying the waters as far as unity of the party, a key ingredient for any emerged flagbearer to win power for the party, is concerned.

The honourable member seems to have forgotten that, without the support of all the contestants, the 8 that the party seeks to break, will remain a mere slogan and a mirage.

The number of votes former president Mahama obtained in the 2020 elections, coupled with the global economic hardships that have affected a broad spectrum of the Ghanaian populace in recent times should tell all that the support the NPP government has enjoyed from Ghanaians has whittled down and that without a united front from all stakeholders of the party, power would elude the NPP in the next elections.

Anytime Annor Dompreh mount platforms to campaign for Dr. Mahamud Bawumia, he is either seen to be taking subtle jabs at other aspirants or openly attack them. Recently, while the Vice President was in his constituency as part of his campaign tour of the Eastern Region, you Annor Dompreh were seen pouring vituperative, invective remarks at two other forerunners in the contest, that is Hon. Ken Ohene Agyapong and Mr. Alan Kyerematen.

These attacks come even after your preferred candidate, Dr. Bawumia has stated category that, non of his spokespersons and supporters should engage in vitriolics and insults against other candidates.

What crime did Ken commit for calling for fair play?

Ken did not mince words, he premised his comments on the condition that, if he is not treated fairly in the electoral process, he would not be part of the national campaign but will travel and stay in the US.

It is important to note that where fair play reins supreme, people have little or no time to worry about the consequences because by default, the consequences will be positive.

Honourable Annor Dompreh, please remember that the downfall of man begins with pride. The eagle may soar upwards, but it will return to its tree. First is humility, then perfection.

There should not be too much salt in the side-dish, otherwise the dish itself may end up being too salty.

I draw your attention to the fact that If for nothing at all, Alan and Ken’s age should be enough to attract the needed respect deserving of adults, not to talk of their personal accomplishments in life, One hundredth of which but for politics, some of you can not achieve.

Never forget that your current position as Majority Chief Whip in Parliament was not given to you on a silver platter. Some of these personalities that you have chosen to attack and badmouth consistently contributed very much to this your attainment.

Indeed, water drinks all water and the earth also drinks all water.

A humble person will receive more than a haughty character, and a modest person will acquire more learning than someone who believes to know much.

Do not forget that, politics goes beyond campaigning for or against opponents.

We find ourselves in the camps of different candidates today, but we may require the influence or the facilitation of others tomorrow, to realise our collective aspirations.

In an attempt to garner support for our preferred candidates, let's be mindful of how we conduct ourselves keeping in mind that it is not as simple to secure a third consecutive term as a party in government.

It will take the commitment and the contributions of all to achieve this great feat.

We must be guided by the comments and the references we make for or against our opponents.
