BoG Governors Need Commendation! - Kwamena Duncan

Former Minister for Central Region, Kwamena Duncan says the Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Ernest Addison and his deputies must be rewarded in relation to the bank's 60 billion cedis loss.

The Governor and his deputies have been asked by the Minority in Parliament to resign from their post.

The Minority accuses the Governors of mishandling the affairs of the bank and their alleged poor performance resulting in the bank incurring 60 billion cedis loss last year.

“The Bank of Ghana recorded a staggering loss of GHS60.8 billion, which is equivalent to $6 billion. This is twice the amount we are to receive from our recent IMF bailout”, the Minority said during an engagement with journalists days ago.

But the Governor has cleared the air on why the bank incurred the abovementioned sum of money.

He says this amount was necessitated by the bank providing the needed support to cushion Ghana during the pandemic season.

"The Bank of Ghana was able to step in with the support to the economy...This is a reflection of the resilience of the Bank of Ghana for being able to rise up to the occasion to play its statutory role as the lender of last resort to support the economy during the crisis", he said.

To Kwamena Duncan, the Governors deserve an award stating "if you want people to award, let's award them".

He commended them for taking what he believes was a prudent decision to save Ghana's economy.

"It is only an unappreciative citizenry; it is only an opposition that they want power at all cost, an opposition unfortunately we have known them, their period in office we have seen it, the person they have selected them, we know him but they want power at all cost" that, to him, will demand the resignation of the Governors, he said on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show.