All Is Set; Ken Agyapong Projected To Cause Tsunami In Saturday's Special Delegates Elections

Information gathered indicates that the Assin Central Member of Parliament (M.P.), Honourable Ken Ohene Agyapong, seeking the lead the New Patriotic Party(NPP) into the 2024 elections, will pull a surprised victory in the upcoming Special Electoral College elections slated for Saturday August 26, 2023 across the 16 regions in the country.

As part of the selection of the flagbearer for the NPP, the party is expected to shortlist the ten aspirants who filed to contest in the presidential primaries and reduce the number to five before presenting the same to the general delegates to elect a flagbearer.

The Vice president, Dr. Mahamud Bawumia and Mr. Alan Kyerematen are among the top contenders whom Hon. Agyapong will be seeking to defeat. Of all the opinion polls and the surveys conducted by think tank bodies and other political watchers, Hon. Ken is tipped to obtain a high percentage of votes to send clear signals to his competitors about his victory in the main delegates congress.

Many are those scheming to thwart the verdict of delegates to the advantage of one candidate through unacceptable activities like coercing delegates and intimidating them to show their thumb-printed ballot to the full glare of the public but this will not wash.

Everything will be made to resist this and there will be a secret ballot at each polling centre. The arrangements are that no phone camera or similar device will be allowed at the polling station, so delegates should feel free and comfortable to vote confidently for their preferred candidate. No one should feel intimidated before and after the elections. Everything points to the fact that Ken is winning big time on Saturday.