I Directed The Police Officers Who Came To Me For IGP Post To Go And See Mallams - Bugri Naabu

The former Northern Regional Chairman of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Daniel Bugri Naabu, has explained that he directed the senior police officers who came to him to help their plot to remove the current Inspector-General of Police to seek the assistance from mallams in order to enable them have their preferred candidate become the next IGP.

He said he believed that God had the ultimate hand in leadership positions and that if they wanted the IGP post, then, they needed to go and see mallams for that spiritual favour.

Bugri Naabu disclosed this when he appeared before the Parliamentary Ad-Hoc Committee which has been tasked to investigate the issue on Monday, August 28, 2023.

The former NPP Northern Regional Chairman became the centre of attraction when an audio recording involving some senior police officers hatching a plan to cause the removal of the current IGP, George Akufo-Dampare, surfaced in the media.

The content of the leaked tape generated a national discussion considering the nature of the conversation with senior police officers involved.

Following public reaction, Parliament set up the Committee, chaired by the Member of Parliament for Abuakwa South, Samuel Atta-Akyea, to delve into the issue.

The panel has the mandate to investigate both the authenticity of the leaked tape and the intricate allegations that have captured the nation’s attention.