IGP Dampare To Appear Before Committee Probing Bugri Naabu Tape On Tuesday

The Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare will on Tuesday (Sept 12) appear before the Parliamentary committee probing the Bugri Naabu leaked tape that captures a conversation about why he should be removed from office.

The chairman of the committee, Samuel Atta Akyea, who made this known said it was to grant the IGP an opportunity for his side of the story to be heard.

Mr Atta Akyea made this known in a radio interview with Accra-based Joy FM on Sunday.

“On Tuesday, all the individuals - Chief Daniel Bugri Naabu, Superintendent Mr George L. Asare, COP Mr George Alex Mensah and Superintendent Mr Emmanuel Eric Gyebi - will come back with their lawyers. Also, the most prominent person whose name has been bandied about, the IGP himself should also come with his lawyers, he said.

Mr Atta Akyea however said the hearing would be done in-camera.

He explained that there were issues in the hearing that needed to be prevented from coming out in the public to protect national security.

“Some serious allegations have been made in public, but the substance of the allegations have not been made in public. That is to say, the evidential support for those allegations is what we are going to unearth, so which piece of evidence that we’ll give to the public that will not hurt national security, we’ll exercise that discretion,” he added.

He further stated that the Committee will not allow for “the IGP to be disgraced and insulted without giving him a hearing.”
He added that allowing the IGP an opportunity to clear his name is the democratic way to address the issue at hand.