NPP General Secretary Advises Against Publicly Endorsing Flagbearer Candidates

Mr. Justin Kodua Frimpong, the General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has called on party leaders at national, regional, and constituency levels to refrain from publicly declaring support for any of the four candidates vying for the party's flagbearer position.

In an interview on Wontumi Radio, Mr. Kodua Frimpong reasoned that it would be challenging to mend relationships if a leader publicly supports a candidate who ultimately does not win. While he acknowledged that there is no harm in supporting a candidate, he emphasized the potential complications that may arise when providing advice to another candidate after having publicly endorsed someone.

Mr. Kodua Frimpong revealed that he has adopted this approach, which is why, unlike other party executives, he was not accused of favouring a specific candidate by Alan Kyerematen when Kyerematen announced his departure from the party.

Frimpong stated that he is focused on the broader goal of securing victory in the 2024 elections, and therefore, he opts not to publicly endorse any candidate.

The contest for the NPP's flagbearer position features four contenders: Dr. Mahamudud Bawumia, Mr. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, and Francis Addai-Nimoh.

The NPP has scheduled November 4, 2023, as the date to elect a successor to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as the leader of the party.