2023 World Mental Health Week: There Is a Need to Change Our Attitude Towards the Mentally ill - MHA CEO

The Chief Executive Officer for Mental Health Authority, Dr. Adwoa Pinaman has emphatically stated that there is a need to change our attitude towards mental illness.

According to her, there are challenges faced by individuals with these disabilities in our communities and stigma, and discrimination remain persistent and also isolating those who need our care and support the most.

Speaking to Peace FM News during the launch of the 2023 World Mental Health Week Campaign organized by the Mental Health Authority, Dr. Pinaman mentioned her outfit is trying its best to push the mental health awareness further to let people know that it is not only those who are on the streets are mentally challenged but it includes all of us.

She said that they will go into various communities to engage with the people as to whether they understand the mental health and the Mental Health Authority can help them in their mental health, because they do not want to think for the people about their mental health, they want the people to know by themselves so that they can help them in the very possible way.

Adding to this, Dr. Pinaman appealed to all stakeholders to support the Mental Health Authority in the creation of awareness about mental health and called on financial institutions to help with the funding.