Attack On UTV: Tearing Up NPP Letter Was the Highest Form of Disrespect - A-Plus Told

Over 20 thugs reportedly from the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) on Saturday, invaded the studios of UTV, looking for Kwame Obeng Asare, popularly known as A-Plus.

This comes on the back of A-Plus ripping apart a letter from the NPP.

It may be recalled that on the September 30 edition of the programme, A-Plus described as useless a letter from the NPP calling on the management of UTV to reform the show.

According to the NPP, the programme has become political.

A Plus, in reaction, said the letter was against the independence of the media and went on to rip his copy of the letter saying.

A-Plus must apologize

The thugs who disrupted the show for over 30 minutes were demanding an apology from A-Plus for tearing up the letter from the NPP.

A-Plus speaking to this, condemned the act and suggested that he ripped the letter because it wasn't an official communication from the party.

Wrong move

Senior Psychologist, Professor Joseph Osafo contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM's morning show 'Kokrokoo' said it was wrong for A-Plus to tear up the letter.

"If a letter is addressed to someone and a guest rips it apart; it's the highest form of disrespect. It's not a good thing . . . A Plus could've just read it and discarded it with his idea. You don't need to by action tear it," he told Kwami Sefa Kayi.

Listen to him in the video below