Attack On UTV: We Won't Interfere With Police Investigations - NPP National Chairman

The New Patriotic Party has assured the public that it won't interfere in ongoing investigations involving some youth of the party who invaded United Television over the weekend interrupting their entertainment programme "United Showbiz".

The invaders nearly wreaked havoc in the premises of the Television network as they insisted to join the live programme, hence halting it for an hour till the Police intervened to restore calm.

Speaking in an interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", the New Patriotic Party's National Chairman, Stephen Ntim pledged the party's readiness to assist the Police.

During his personal visit on Thursday, October 12, to the management of Despite Media, the mother company of United Showbiz, to apologize on behalf of the party and the youth, Mr. Ntim stated emphatically that the New Patriotic Party will ensure the Police enforces the law.

"We won't interfere with them. They should do their work as the law states and we will oblige as a party. The NPP, as a party to this thing that's happened, we will cooperate with the Police for the law to take its full course."


A group of devotees of the New Patriotic Party thronged the premises of UTV last Saturday.

The group demanded a reform of UTV's "United Showbiz" and an apology from musician cum pundit on the show, Kwame Aplus, to the New Patriotic Party and the President of the Republic for being critical of the government.

They also registered their displeasure with Aplus tearing a letter that the party had addressed to the management of UTV to request the entertainment show is restructured.

The group's invasion nearly ended up in chaos but the Police intervened and arrested sixteen of them.