If You Want Power Just Maintain The Status-Quo…

As Founder and CEO of the Atta-Mills Institute (AMI), which is a Public Policy and Advocacy Think Tank, I share the view of Justice Atuguba on this matter.

Indeed, when the issue first surfaced vis-a-vis John Mahama asking NDC lawyers to go to the Bench just for the sake of balancing the NDC-NPP equation, I took a strong exception to it because it is highly inappropriate for no less a person than the former President, to drown the Bench in such murky political waters.

At all times, we must work hard as a nation to insulate the Bench from deep political colours because, when John Mahama was President, he also appointed judges at all levels and did that make those judges rule on cases as NDC judges or as learned judges delivering justice according to the tenets of the law.?

So, if you want power just to maintain the status-quo that you are complaining about, then what is the point in changing?

Or like the learned retired Supreme Court justice said; you want power to maintain the status quo so you too can benefit politically isn’t it?

That is certainly not the right way to build the state via the building of credible state institutions.