Freda Prempeh Played Key Role In Bawumia’s Victory - Group

Friends of the Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources have debunked claims that Dr Freda Prempeh did not support the candidature of Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to be NPP’s flagbearer.

According to them, the Tano North Member of Parliament openly declared her support for the now NPP’s flagbearer, Dr Bawumia and also urged delegates of her constituency to vote for the vice president.

Before the election, Dr Freda Prempeh reportedly met with 122 polling station chairmen and the 25 Electoral Area Coordinators of the party at Koforidua, near Duayaw-Nkwanta in the consistency to influence their decision.

Highlighting some of her achievements in the constituency, the MP said Dr Bawumia played an instrumental role in bringing the development of the constituency to the next level. 

She also presented 30 brand new motorbikes to be distributed among the Electoral Area Coordinators and asked them to use the machines to intensify the electioneering and reach out to the delegates and the masses in the hard-to-reach communities in the constituency for the campaign for Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.