Visit Bawku And Other Areas of Conflict to Bring Peace - Nayiri to Bawumia

The Overlord of Mamprugu, Naa Abdulai Mahami Shariga has urged Vice President and flagbearer of the NPP, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to visit Bawku and help unite various factions of the long-standing dispute.

Bawku has over the years been troubled by conflicts and the disturbing situation has affected economic activities and other spheres of life.

During Dr. Bawumia's visit to the Nayiri earlier this week following his election as flagbearer of the NPP, the Nayiri urged the Vice Preaident not to hesitate in visiting Bawku and meeting with stakeholders including the Chiefs, for peace and unity to prevail.

He urged the Vice President to use his unifying traits as a leader to bring people together.

The Nayiri conferred a Chieftaincy title on the Vice President under the name "Bigangna" which means the one who does not discriminate.

The Nayiri said having come to know the character traits of Dr. Bawumia, he was optimistic the Vice President will, if elected, be a President for all and won't discriminate, hence the title.

The Nayiri explained that the title is befitting of the Vice President due to the unifying traits he has demonstrated as a leader and urged him to continuously uphold those traits.

As President, the Nayiri stressed, Dr. Bawumia will have the responsibility of uniting Ghana and mediating many disputes.

In response Dr. Bawumia expressed gratitude to the Nayiri and his elders for their prayers and encouragement, adding he will continue to preach unity.

"If elected, in shaa Allah, I will be a president all; for Fantes, for Ashantis, for Ewes, for Kusasis, for Frafra’s, for Konkombas and all other tribes in Ghana. We are one people," Dr. Bawumia said.

Dr. Bawumia was accompanied by NPP National Chairman, Stephen Ntim, Majority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, Ashanti Regional Chairman, Bernard Antwi Bosiako popularly called'Chairman Wontumi', Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Abu Jinapor, Youth and Sports Minister, Mustapha Ussif and many MPs from both the northern and southern parts of the country.