National Development Crucial for Socio-economic Progress – NDPC

The Director-General of National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), Dr. Kodjo Essiem Mensah-Abrampa, has disclosed that the country’s socio-economic transformation and growth hinges on how it can intentionally invest in its development.

Making a strong case for development to be given increased attention, it said urgent strategies and steps are needed to enhance and optimise the skills, knowledge, abilities and overall potential of the Ghanaian workforce.

During a media forum held in Accra. The NDPC will hold master development summit from 20th to 22nd December, 2023 to solicit inputs and create a participatory approach toward developing the strategy,

He noted that: “Ghanaian institutions, including government and its public sector, set the standard for performance and ensure that all relevant indices are accounted for."

However, despite having a workforce with the necessary educational qualifications, we face challenges in implementing the structures effectively. Therefore, the master development strategy aims to address these challenges and unlock the full potential of our institutions.

Dr. Kodjo Essiem Mensah-Abrampa, emphasised that development is also crucial for creative and sustainable exploitation of the country’s abundant natural resources.

He explained that it is paramount to ensure that these endeavours are conducted in a sustainable and responsible manner, taking into account environmental conservation and the well-being of local communities.

By investing in education, skills development, innovation and entrepreneurship, it said, the country can unlock the full potential of its abundant human resources.