Asenso-Boakye Attack: 'Bring The Fire Down' - Salam Pleads with Ken Agyapong

Salam Mustapha, the National Youth Organizer of the governing New Patriotic Party, has begged the Assin Central Member of Parliament to extinguish the heat he is bringing to the party.

The vociferous MP has recently descended on the Works and Housing Minister, Francis Asenso-Boakye, who is re-contesting the Bantama parliamentary seat for the party.

The Minister will go head-to-head with Kennedy Agyapong's brother, Ralph Agyapong, on January 27th, and the Assin Central lawmaker has gathered all his arsenals to ensure Asenso-Boakye loses the parliamentary slot to his brother.

Kennedy Agyapong alleged corruption against Asenso-Boakye, claiming he has been collecting bribes and also alleging he masterminded a plot to sell the official residence of the late Justice Samuel Marful-Sau.

"He goes to collect bribes from China and India people...I confronted the people themselves because they were going to disgrace the NPP, and I stopped it. I stopped it. Asenso was charging $20,000. Didn't you recently hear the White person say Asenso charged him 20,000 dollars?" he fumed.

He pledged to bring concrete evidence against the Minister and Member of Parliament for Bantama, cautioning the constituents that "if you vote for him again, he will disgrace you big time. This time, I am not sure, with this evidence I will give, he will become a Minister again when the Vice President wins for him to show us his arrogance".

But Salam Mustapha has pleaded with Mr. Agyapong to cease fire.

"I plead with him to bring the fire down," he said on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Monday morning, and he further commended Kennedy Agyapong for his diligence and sacrifices for the New Patriotic Party, saying, "he has a lot of admirers in the party and a lot of young people who look up to him and the legacy he has built in the party; I don't think that anything should wash it away."

Salam also expressed sadness over the latter's decision to exit Parliament, exclaiming, "Kennedy Agyapong, I like him!"

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