Gomoa Central NDC Members Want PC Changed

Some members of the National Democratic Congress in the Gomoa Central Constituency of the Central Region are pushing for the replacement of their parliamentary candidate as they don’t trust him to secure victory for the party.

He polled 443 in the party’s parliamentary primary to beat his two contenders Dr Madison Adanusa and Dr Ebenezer Duncan who garnered 326 and 242 votes respectively out of a total of 1,011 votes and has already begun his campaign ahead of the main race to parliament which will occur on December 7, 2024. 

However, some electoral area coordinators of the NDC in the Gomoa Central Constituency are showing mistrust in the candidature of Kwame Deen Yawson regarding the party’s desired victory and pressing for him to be substituted. 

They have described him as a weak candidate and have less faith that he can lead the party to victory. 

They are thus requesting the leadership of the party to adopt retired musician Kwame Asare Obeng popularly known as A Plus who is contesting for the parliamentary seat of the constituency as an independent candidate. 

According to him, A Plus possesses great chances of winning the elections as he’s been able to court the support of both elite and grassroots constituents. 

For these other branch executive members of the party, the appeal is non-negotiable. They have cited the Winneba instance where the party substituted its candidate with James Kofi Annan as the parliamentary candidate ahead of the 2024 elections.

They deem it a daunting task to win back the seat with the current candidate after losing it to the NPP nearly eight years ago.