New Hampshire Primary: Donald Trump And Nikki Haley Go Head-to-Head

Donald Trump is facing his last remaining Republican opponent, Nikki Haley, in a primary election in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

The former US president is hoping to deliver a knockout blow to the ex-South Carolina governor's campaign to be the Republican nominee.

Ms Haley hopes New Hampshire's bloc of independent voters will help her pull off an upset victory.
The contest follows Mr Trump's landslide win last week in Iowa.

The eventual Republican nominee will challenge the Democrat nominee, likely President Joe Biden, in November's general election.
A contest between Mr Biden, 81, and Mr Trump, 77, would be a re-run of the 2020 presidential vote.
Democrats are also voting in their primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday, but because of a dispute between national and local party officials, Mr Biden is the first sitting president not to appear on the ballot.

The race for the Republican nomination narrowed to just two on Sunday, after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis came a distant second in Iowa's caucuses and then quit and endorsed Mr Trump.

Mr Trump already held a double-digit lead in many opinion polls taken in New Hampshire before Mr DeSantis' exit. Most surveys suggest a majority of the Florida governor's supporters view Mr Trump as the next best option.

A new poll released by Suffolk University and the Boston Globe on Tuesday morning showed Mr Trump 19 points ahead of Ms Haley, 57% to 38%. A second poll from Monmouth University and the Washington Post showed him with an 18 point lead, 52% to 34%.

At a rally in Laconia, New Hampshire, on Monday night Mr Trump said that his campaign has "to win by big margins" to "send a signal that we're not playing games. This country has gone to hell."

"If you want a losing candidate who puts America last, vote for Nikki Haley," he added.
He told the crowd that "globalists and radical left communists" were convincing liberals to vote for her in the Republican primary.

"They want to run against her because she's so easy to beat," he added.