Adu Safowaah On Her Guinness World Record Speech Marathon Attempt

Ghanaian media personality and entrepreneur, Adu Safowaah, has set her sights on attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the Longest Speech Marathon.

Scheduled to commence from the 9th to the 14th of February 2024, this ambitious attempt will see Safowaah pushing the boundaries with a 120-hour speech, aiming to surpass the previous record holder from India who has 90 hours and 2 minutes.

Following the standard application process, she secured approval from the Guinness World Records team a few months ago. Safowaah plans to center her marathon speech on a diverse range of captivating topics, spanning from cultural insights to social issues prevalent in Africa and, specifically, Ghana.

The journey to break the record comes with a set of guidelines. These include breaks – a 5-minute break after every hour of speaking and a 20-minute rest period following each 4-hour period of speaking.

Additionally, she is to keep the content fresh, avoiding topic repetition within every 4-hour segment.

Safowaah revealed that her marathon speech is not scripted; instead, she will have to rely on her notes and drafts during the event.

Adu Safowaah boasted of having a team of well-trained therapists to help her stay fit during this challenging attempt. With all eyes on her, she's set to make history and secure her place in the Guinness World Records. wishes her well in her bid to scale this hurdle.