Arrest and Prosecute Imposter Kwame Sasah For Parading Himself As an Abrankor Family Member

The Abrankor Nsona Royal Family has disassociated themselves from a self-styled Kwame Sasah for parading himself as a member of the family whiles he is neither an elder nor a member of the family.

It came to the notice of the family, that, some miscreants led by this same Kwame Sasah from Komantse (who is a no way part of the Abrankor Nsona Royal Family) were spreading baseless allegations that have sullied the reputation of the esteemed Paramount Chief of Abura state, his Royal Majesty, Emintsinmim Otu XI, and also causing an unwarranted distress in the Abura Traditional State.

Speaking at a news conference held at Abura Omanhen's Palace in the Central Region, the Head of the Abrankor Family, Ebusuapanyin Nana Oprim Kwansah Arthur hinted that they're unequivocally assuring Nananom and the general public that all the statement contained in that self-acclaimed letter that was being shared by this same Kwame Sasah and his miscreants, were slanderous, defamatory, and absolute falsehood.

According to the family, the content of the said letter were unfounded and wrongful claims meant to only tarnish the good reputation of the esteemed Paramount Chief and undermine the trust and confidence the Abura State had bestowed on him.

"We wish to make it clear that, these allegations are without merit and should be disregarded completely" he emphasized.

As a family, they made an official complaint to the Police to deal with this imposter immediately and decisively.

The Royal family stands united in defence of their Paramount Chief and will continue to uphold the values of honesty, integrity and justice.

Meanwhile all efforts to reach Mr Kwame Sasah proved futile as he even hanged up his phone on our reporters.

It is alleged, that, he also occastrated the recent shooting incidents at Palace which nearly claimed life.