Is 9Months Enough Time To Turn Economy Around? – Seth Tekper On Amin Adam's Appointment

Former Finance Minister in the erstwhile Mahama administration, Seth Terkper, is greatly concerned about the ability of Finance Minister-designate, Dr. Muhammed Amin Adam, to turn fortunes around when approved by Parliament.

According to the former finance minister, Nana Akufo Addo's decision to replace Ken Ofori Atta with Dr. Amin Adam is inimical to the already paralysed economy.  
Speaking in an interview on Citi News monitored by, Mr. Terkper revealed that the change comes at a critical time when the country is under an IMF programme, suggesting that it might be too late for Dr. Adam to make a substantial impact on the economic policy of the president and the government.

He further pointed out that the budget and economic policy are ultimately under the President’s authority, and with the limited timeframe until the next general elections, Dr. Adam may face challenges in implementing significant policy changes.
We are a country where we could not do a turnaround of the economy, and we were preemptive, with everybody blaming it on COVID-19 and the Ukraine war, where some $6 billion flowed into the economy without the ability to turn it around.”
“This administration is not the only one that has suffered global or domestic setbacks, from droughts or floods to the global financial crisis, and so I think the situation is dire; and so we have to ask ourselves if nine months is enough time to do a turnaround,” Seth Tekper posited.