Kojo Lap Unveils Catchy New Single "One Day"

Rising star Kojo Lovis Amoabeng, better known as Kojo Lap, is making waves in the Ghanaian music scene with his latest single, "One Day."

Hailing from Sunyani in the Bono Ahafo Region, Kojo Lap is a versatile talent, showcasing his skills as a rapper, singer, and songwriter.

The young artist's new single, "One Day," is already gaining traction on social media platforms, capturing the attention of music lovers with its infectious beats and captivating lyrics.

The track, available on various streaming platforms, offers a glimpse into Kojo Lap's musical prowess and promising potential.


Born in Drobo Katakyiekrom (KTK) in the Jaman South District of the Bono Ahafo Region, Kojo Lap's journey into music began during his high school days at Twene Amanfo Senior High and Technical School.

Despite being a science student, his passion for music was undeniable, leading to his election as the entertainment prefect of the school.

Kojo Lap's foray into the professional music scene commenced after his participation in a reality show on Onua TV, where his exceptional talent and unique style of rapping earned him the first runner-up position.

This achievement served as a springboard for his career, eventually leading to his signing with BigApp Records in 2023.

His success in the Relief Concept Reality show underscored Kojo Lap's dedication and commitment to his craft, setting him on a path towards stardom in the Ghanaian music industry.

With his distinctive blend of hard work, dynamic performance, and innovative rap style, Kojo Lap is poised to leave an indelible mark on the music scene.

As "One Day" continues to captivate audiences, Kojo Lap remains focused on honing his craft and delivering exceptional music that resonates with listeners across the globe.

With his talent and determination, Kojo Lap is undoubtedly a rising star to watch in the Ghanaian music landscape.