Christians In NPP Elected Me Flagbearer – Bawumia

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), says Christians who constitute the majority of members of the ruling party elected him as the first Muslim flagbearer.

Speaking to some Muslims during the IFTAR event at the Suhum Ayekotse Central Mosque, where he engaged with Imams, Chiefs, and constituents from the Suhum Constituency on Saturday, March 30, 2024, Dr. Bawumia reflected on his journey within the NPP, emphasizing the significance of his victory in securing the party’s flagbearer position despite initial scepticism about a Muslim leading the party.

He attributed his success to divine intervention due to the overwhelming support he got from Christian members within the party.

“During the presidential primary, they said a Muslim cannot lead the NPP. But by the grace of God after voting out of the 10 candidates I secured an unprecedented 61% which signifies the hand of God in the victory because when you look at NPP, Christians are more than Muslims in the party so it means it is the Christians who elected Dr Bawumia a Muslim as flagbearer for the NPP for the first time it has not happened before “said Dr. Bawumia

Dr. Bawumia made a bold declaration to the Muslim community, promising to bring the Qur’an to Jubilee House, Ghana’s seat of government if elected as President.

He said “after December 7th I will take the Qur’an and pray and take it to the Jubilee house. It is Possible

Expressing his aspirations for the upcoming presidential election, Vice President Dr. Bawumia underscored his desire to serve as President for two terms, contrasting his potential eight-year tenure with Mahama’s remaining four-year presidency.

“Mahama has only four years but I will have eight years. Do we want four years or eight years? that is why I want him to be patient so that I take the vehicle and drive. Now I am mate”.

Dr. Mamudu Bawumia urged for peaceful proceedings and highlighted his competition with former President Mahama, urging him to step aside and allow him the opportunity to lead the nation.

“So we are going into election everything must be peaceful. I am contesting this election with my Brother the former President Mahama [Flagbearer of NDC] who has been President before reason I have been telling him to stay back so that I also clinch the presidency because I have not been President before. we know what he did he should also give me a chance to be President to also exhibit what I can do”.

The comment by Dr Bawumia is contrasted by Alan Kyerematen, an independent presidential aspirant, in a bid to sway voters, has also asserted that Ghana, with its Christian majority, should elect a Christian leader as president in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Speaking at the Church of Pentecost’s Easter Sunday Convention at the Dr Thomas Wyatt Assembly, Kyerematen made a fervent plea for the support of the congregation, positioning himself as the candidate capable of transforming the nation.

“As a predominantly Christian nation, as Christians, it is our responsibility that we elect a Christian leader who is also a Christlike leader.”

He emphasized the importance of electing a leader who aligns with Christian principles, portraying himself as the embodiment of such values.