Next NDC Gov't Will Effect a 'Total Reset' In All State Institutions - Sammy Gyamfi

The largest opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has stated that when the party assumes office come January 2025, they will effect what they call ‘total reset’ in the various government institutions.

In an exclusive interview with UTV’s Agya Kwabena on a proagramme dubbed ‘Mpu ne Mpu’, the National Communications Officer of the NDC, Sammy Gyamfi Esq. mentioned that the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government has corrupted the various government institutions thereby becoming unworthy of public trust and confidence.

According to Sammy Gyamfi, state institutions such as the judicial system, Police Service, Electoral Commission and other state apparatus have been compromised, hence, needs a total resetting when the NDC comes to power.

"Do you think the courts will give you a fair judgment if you take any case there?", he quizzed the host.

"When we come to power, something will happen called total reset. State institutions that the government has packed with people affiliated to the NPP rendering injustice over there, when we come, we shall make sure that they are all done away with so we appoint persons who will work for the country and not satisfy their parochial interest," Sammy Gyamfi said.

He added, "look at all our state institutions. Take a look at the Electoral Commission, look at the police, look at the courts, look at the way the President is packing the court with his people."

Sammy Gyamfi mentioned that the courts are not in the right standing to give fair justice, adding that he will not go to court because he would not get the justice he so deserves.

His comments come on the heels of the ongoing discussion on the SML-GRA audit published by KPMG.

Sammy Gyamfi opined that, the government has paid SML for no job done, hence, the next NDC government will lead investigations into the alleged scandal and will prosecute any person or persons found guilty.

"This issue, President Mahama has said and I’m emphasizing that when we come into power, we shall enforce a thorough investigation, because, we don’t even believe in the report of the KPMG. They did not bring out the entire truth. We shall publish every report and every money paid to SML will be retrieved. No penny will be left untaken," he stated.