No Nutritional Benefit In Alcohol

Have you ever wondered why you drink or why people drink alcohol? Shockingly the latest to join the list are children who are sent to buy alcohol from a pub or bar by their relatives or neighbours; they have been testing the drinks do you know? A onetime man�s world practice is being ventured by young women, funny enough some ladies use alcohol as a painkiller during menstrual period. Just like any other drug, alcohol is very addictive. Alcohol is a common term for ethanol, a compound produced when glucose (sugar/carbohydrate) is fermented by yeast. The alcohol content of a particular drink is controlled by the amount of yeast and length of fermentation. Fruits are used to make wine and cider, while cereals such as barley and rye form the basis of beer and spirits. Alcohol is a drug that has the immediate effect of altering mood. People who drink it feel relaxed, happy and even euphoric, but in fact alcohol is a depressant. It switches off the part of the brain that controls judgement, leading to loss of inhibitions. Drinking even small amounts of alcohol can affect physical coordination. When alcohol enters the body it�s seen as a foreign material or toxic, so the liver breaks it down and eliminates it quickly from the body system, it takes the liver about an hour or two to deal with one unit of alcohol (8g) which is equivalent to a tot/shot of alcohol sold at the pub/bar. There is lots of myth about how good there should be an alcohol in the human body, but it�s still entirely not clear. Red wine, in particular also contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants, which help reduce the build up of atherosclerosis (when fat builds up on the inner walls of arteries). Red wine seems to help maintain the flexibility of the blood vessel walls but it goes with high intakes of fruit and vegetables. Drinking too much alcohol will not only leave you with a hangover the next day, but binge drinking and drinking more than the recommended intake on a regular basis can also cause long-term damage to the body�s internal organs. Chronic alcohol use is one of the major causes of liver cirrhosis (irreversible scarring of the liver).